"Women from another Planet ?" von Jean Kearns Miller, Ed.

01.02.2022 18:59
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#1 "Women from another Planet ?" von Jean Kearns Miller, Ed.

Our Lives in the Universe of Autism

This is an inspiring and very instructive glimpse into the world and lives of bright and fascinating women on the autistic spectrum. This book does a great deal to combat "neuro bigotry" by helping friends, families, and professionals learn to respect these women who they may not have previously understood and to see the world through their eyes. I recommend it highly. The essays and poetry in the book are beautiful and expressive and serve the purpose of bypassing clinical explanations in order to reveal the beauty and depth of these women´s experiences. "Women From Another Planet ?" challenges us all to see these woman an to understand the autistic spectrum from a new and much deeper perspective.


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