Theory of own mind in autism: Evidence of a specific deficit in self-awareness?

09.10.2022 14:58
avatar  Alex84
#1 Theory of own mind in autism: Evidence of a specific deficit in self-awareness?

Theory of own mind in autism: Evidence of a specific deficit in self-awareness?

Sehr interessanter Artikel über verschiedene Versuche die die Theory of Mind betreffen.


Assuming that self-awareness is not a unitary phenomenon, and that one can be aware of different aspects of self at any one time, it follows that selective impairments in self-awareness can occur. This article explores the idea that autism involves a particular deficit in awareness of the 'psychological self', or 'theory of own mind'. This hypothesised deficit renders individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at least as impaired at recognising their own mental states as at recognising mental states in other people. This deficit, it is argued, stands in contrast to an apparently typical awareness of the 'physical self' amongst people with autism. Theoretical implications of the empirical evidence are discussed.

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09.10.2022 15:18
avatar  Chch
#2 RE: Theory of own mind in autism: Evidence of a specific deficit in self-awareness?

mein Englisch reicht leider nicht aus, um das gut genug zu verstehen


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09.10.2022 15:42
avatar  Alex84
#3 RE: Theory of own mind in autism: Evidence of a specific deficit in self-awareness?

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